Whitby Yacht Club (WYC) was formed in June 1932 at a meeting of 7 gentlemen in the Custom House Hotel (now known as the Dolphin Hotel) in Bridge Street, Whitby. In the early days, many members’ boats were ex-ships’ lifeboats powered by Ford Model T engines. After 2 years the membership had increased and it was necessary to move to larger premises, namely 2 rooms in the Pier House, which was situated adjacent to the double lifeboat house at the end of Pier Road. The Club continued to thrive and the number of members after a further 2 years was approximately 200. The decision was taken to raise the necessary capital, among the members, in order to fund the construction of a new clubhouse on the roof of the double lifeboat house. This is the home of WYC today and together with an extension built in 1976, is in an enviable position.
During these early years, when the club continued to prosper, the fleet of boats was also increasing. There were racing and cruising yachts, motorboats and dinghies. In the 1960s there were 12 International Dragon yachts racing at Whitby as part of the fleet. These were mainly superseded in the 1970s by 19 Squib One Design boats which were approved as a Dayboat Class at WYC. There are 3 Squibs in the fleet at the Club at the present time.
From the inception of the Club to the present day the members have enjoyed a varied programme consisting of ocean sailing races, bay races, cruises and fishing competitions. In addition, dinghy sailing was popular for many years, in the lower harbour during the summer and in the upper harbour during the winter months, the latter was known as Frostbite racing.