The Wessex Cave Club committee?is a dedicated, enthusiastic group of volunteers. They are elected each year by our members at the AGM?and serve for a one year period, but can stand again for the following year(s).
The Wessex Cave Club was officially formed on November 4th 1934, following an earlier foundation meeting held at Ashley House, Croscombe, near Wells. The founder members were Messrs. C.W. Harris, J.W. Duck, H. Murrell, N. Clark and K. Griffin. The late H.E. Balch, MA FSA, pioneer of cave exploration on the Mendip?s, became the Club?s first president; November 4th 1934 being his 65th birthday. He retained the position until his death in 1958. Twenty members joined the Club at the first meeting, thus underlining the opinions of the founders that a local organisation was needed for those unashamedly interested in caving just for the sport of it. Those clubs already in existence were primarily concerned with scientific objectives, or by their nature, open to a select few only: namely the Mendip Nature Research Committee, Wells; the University of Bristol Spelaeological Society, and the Sidcot School Spelaeological Society near Winscombe.