Created in the shell of one of the Steel City?s infamous cutlery factories and born from the ashes of the beloved Dirty Little Secret nightclub project, the Creative Arts Development Space (CADS) team and Party For The People have combined forces to bring a re-designed, refreshed and all together reimagined club space to Sheffield for 2014.
Taking ideas from the building?s cutlery tinged past and the enchanting labyrinth-esque corridors that make the space so unique a central theme began to emerge. In addition to drawing inspiration from a lesser known book from ?Where The Wild Things Are? writer/illustrator Maurice Sendak in which a young boy by the name of Mickey falls into a dreamland in which he must avoid being cooked alive by giant bakers, swim in a 1000 gallon milk jug and fly a plane made of batter amongst other ludicrous antics. It is this spirit of adventure and journey has been carried into a venue space where the creation & consumption of aural, visual and indeed emotional pleasures are paramount. Come on. Step into? The Night Kitchen.