The Military Wireless Museum is a private museum operated from Kidderminster, Worcestershire which displays a collection of military wireless equipment from around the world. It developed from the private collection of Ben Nock and marks the importance of wireless communications in the UK and around the globe during World War II and later years.
The Military Wireless Museum collection is located at Kidderminster and is run on an entirely voluntary basis. The museum has a ‘Friends of the museum’ section, open to anyone, with members from all over the world. The museum often puts on displays of radio equipment at various events around the UK and abroad. The museum can also give talks to interested groups.
The museum demonstrates the importance of wireless communications and connected services like Radar and Navigation and the role they plated during World War II and other conflicts. The museum also offers interested parties the chance to see military communication equipment from other countries that might not normally be available. The museum has a large collection of radio equipment relating to Spy and Espionage work.
The Amateur Radio call sign GB0MWM is frequently in use at the museum operating the vintage equipment and demonstrating it to visitors. The museum is happy to send all UK and world wide contacts a QSL card which are subsequently exchanged with the stations contacted. To visit the museum please contact the museum direct on 01562 743253 to arrange dates/times.