Kelbrook Shooting School is a friendly family run clay pigeon shooting school and shooting ground established in 1981, on a traditional shooting estate which dates back to 1908, the School in now run by:
Michael Meggison – a member of the British Olympic Shooting Teams in 1980 and 1984.
Aaron Meggison – a member of the British Shooting teams since he was 13 yrs old and has won various medals on the British team and Silver and Gold medals at the Commonwealth Championships.
Penny Connor – twice British University Ladies Champion and instructor for her University shooting team.
Primarily a professional and police approved shooting school, open 6 days a week.
The shooting grounds are beautifully laid out amongst the woodland, lake and grouse moor providing a relaxing setting for an enjoyable day’s shooting.
The armoury holds a varied selection of new and second hand shotguns and we are main dealers for Browning and Beretta.